Turn Key tutoring
education levels
- Elementary through high school students
- Homeschoolers
- University & college academic coaching
- English
- Writing
- Reading
- Math 2-8
- Science 2-8
- History/Social Studies
- Homework help
- Extended activities for exceptional students
language tutoring
- English as a second language, all levels
test prep services
- International English Language Testing (IELT)
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
- General Educational Development Test (GED)
Get started now!
We offer a free 15-minute consultation to ensure we can meet your needs.
Sessions can be held in-person for many East Bay locations, and virtually, regardless of location..
In-person sessions are $75 per hour session. Minimum of twice a week
Two or more students are $60 per hour, per student. Minimum of twice a weekVirtual sessions are $65 per hour session, per student. Minimum of twice a week
To book a free 15-minute consultation session, please contact us below.
To book a free 15-minute consultation session, please contact us below.
English as a Second Language (ESL): We are part of a group of teachers who teach English virtually to refugees who have been forced to leave their countries and flee to strange new lands around the world. Our students speak Spanish, Farsi, and many other languages and nearly all suffer from the trauma of their journey. We have developed techniques to teach this highly vulnerable population and can share this expertise as well.
about us
Dr. Carolie Sly is the former director of education programs at the Center for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California. She holds a Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley in science education and has worked with many San Francisco Bay Area public and private schools. Dr. Sly has been a classroom teacher, principal of an alternative high school, science coordinator for the Alameda County Superintendent of Schools, and author of many highly regarded science and environmental education curricula.
Dr. Cecelia Wambach spent most of her working life as a Math Education Professor at San Francisco State University. She has held diverse roles in education: teacher, principal, workshop leader, and student teacher supervisor. She has a TESOL credential (Teaching English as a Second Language) and is a professional artist.
Our Pedagogy
The pace of learning expectations is escalating in elementary and middle schools and many students need personal guidance to survive and thrive. We can base the content of our sessions on students’ school-based curricula or provide our own stimulating lessons.
Turn Key Tutoring unlocks your child’s ability to be successful. Turn Key Tutoring educators are experienced and credentialed teachers and public school administrators who worked together as professors in the education department at San Francisco State University.
We are also parents and grandparents and understand that students need a tutor who is knowledgeable of variations in how students learn. Our approach is to nurture their strengths and share specific strategies for overcoming or accommodating areas of struggle.
Email us at info@turnkeytutoring.com or fill in the message form below and hit SEND